Everybody knows and hates whitelisting. Employees are only allowed to install approved software on their desktops and laptops, so they’re always complaining and asking for exceptions. Management eventually gets fed up with it and stops the experiment.
For mobile devices, enterprises have a number of tools at their disposal, including mobile device management. In addition, malware has a harder time jumping from infected phones to the rest of a corporate network. When it comes to infected laptops and desktops, the sky is the limit where potential damage is concerned.
We are in an age of destructive and fast-spreading malware, like the recent WannaCry ransomware attack, and this is encouraging companies to give whitelisting a second look. They will see that whitelisting solutions have matured. Capabilities like cloud-based, peer-to-peer whitelists and reputation scoring give the technology a better chance to catch on, although some believe it is still not ready for prime time.
Read full article at CSO magazine. This article was also reprinted in IT News and CIO Asia.