Tangle Grid’s Winter Expo starts Sunday

(Image courtesy Tangle Grid.)

Tangle Grid‘s sixth annual Winter Expo starts Sunday, Dec. 1, and  will run through Jan. 13, 2020.

The expo is fully accessible to hypergrid visitors at tanglegrid.net:8002:expo isle.  (Learn how to hypergrid here.)

Visitors will be able to get freebie items, and also purchase content using the  Gloebit  currency. (Learn how to use Gloebits for hypergrid shopping here.)

Winter expo voting stand. (Image courtesy Tangle Grid.)
Leslie Kling

This year, Tangle is adding a competition, where visitors can vote for their favorite displays, grid owner Leslie Kling told Hypergrid Business.

There are also winter things to do, she said, including a Santa’s Workshop, sleigh rides, skiing, ice skating, and sitting around the camp fire.

“Visitors can walk around and enjoy the many other things to do and great displays,” she added.

Still room for more presenters

There are still spots for more displays, the people who want to show their displays can set them up now if they like before the expo starts, said Kling, and the region is already in place.

“Prims are not a worry,” she added. “Whatever it takes to build their displays.”

New exhibitors can just teleport in, grab an open spot, and create their displays, she said.

As with previous expos, presenters are discouraged from explicitly promoting competing grids. However, they can set up gates to the flagship stores wherever they might be on the hypergrid or hand out landmarks to visitors. In addition, they can sell content right at the Expo itself. The region supports the multi-grid Gloebit currency.

(Image courtesy Tangle Grid.)

“The idea behind these expos is to help creators show off what they are doing around the OpenSim grids,” said Kling. “To get everyone involved at one location to show off their items to the rest of the metaverse. It doesn’t matter what grid you belong to as long as the items you are displaying stays within the theme of the expo that is going on at that time.”

For more information about the expos, please email lesliekling@tanglegrid.com.

Tangle Grid, founded in 2013, is a mid-sized social commercial grid that focuses on creativity and community. It offers free homes and parcels to both residents and hypergridders, as well as low land prices. Standard 15,000-prim regions start at $15 a month, and variable-sized regions are also available. The grid also offers a-la-carte region prices, with $1 per month per 1,000 prims so, that, say, a 5,000-prim region is $5 a month.

The company also runs a sister grid, WestWorld Grid, where residents can connect regions for free that they host on their own home computers or private servers.

(Image courtesy Tangle Grid.)

Upcoming events

Tangle Grid’s 2019 expo list, as well as the  full events calendar,  is available on the website.

Here are next year’s expo dates:

  • SciFi Expo: Feb. 5 through Mar. 5
  • Avatar Fashion and Accessories: April 2 through April 30
  • Metaverse Yard Sale and Satyr Farmers’ Market: May 7 through Aug. 1
  • Steam Expo: Aug. 27. through Sep. 24
  • Halloween Expo: Oct. 15 through Nov. 19
  • Winter Expo: Dec. 1 through Jan. 13, 2021

Source: Hypergrid Business