Pop-up market opens at the Seattle Space Needle

Summer Pop-up Market on Discovery Grid. (Image courtesy Discovery Grid.)

A new pop-up marketing will open on June 19 and run through July 5 at the Seattle Space Needle.

The virtual Seattle Space Needle, the one on the Seattle region of the Discovery grid.

“The previous pop-up markets were   highly successful with over 200 visitors from throughout the metaverse,” said Discovery Grid owner Rene Vega, also known as Balpien Hammerer in-world.

Summer Pop-up Market on Discovery Grid. (Image courtesy Discovery Grid.)

The region is set up to accept Gloebit payments.

Gloebit  is a virtual currency accepted on about forty different OpenSim grids. It is the most popular currency on the hypergrid by a very large margin. Gloebit works roughly similar to PayPal. Users  create a Gloebit account on the website, transfer money into it, and can they spend that money as they travel the hypergrid. Read more about how to shop with Gloebits here.

In addition, merchants can have teleporters and provide landmarks that take shoppers directly to their full stores on Discovery Grid, where they can shop in local DC$ currency as well.

For more information about the event, and for the latest list of merchants, please visit Discovery Grid’s Summer Pop-up Market page.

Hypergrid address:  discoverygrid.net:8002:Seattle.

Source: Hypergrid Business