Do traditional data stacks have a use versus modern options?

Traditional data stacks lack the flexibility and scalability that cloud technology provides the modern data stack. However, on-premises data stacks can hold several benefits over their cloud counterparts.

A data stack is the set of platforms, tools and other technologies that enable organizations to collect, store and use their data. Traditionally, a data stack was on premises in a company’s data center and made heavy use of relational databases or data warehouses.

The modern data stack uses cloud storage and advanced analytics tools to create a more flexible and scalable option that each organization can tailor to its specific needs.

While often associated with legacy technologies, on-premises stacks can add advanced analytics tools and should not be discounted simply due to the lack of cloud. Organizations should evaluate their needs and may find an on-premises data stack suits them better than a modern one.

Read full article at TechTarget’s DataManagement.