3rd Rock Grid‘s third annual No Borders Festival of music and arts at the end of March raised 1,996 Euros — about US $2,160 — which the grid donated to Doctors Without Borders, an international non-profit that helps with emergencies around the world.
“The hard work of board member Rhia Bachman, as well as many performers, DJs, and others, made the event a big success that was highly attended both days,” said grid spokeswoman Tara Dockery, also known as Thoria Millgrove in-world. “A highlight was a dramatization by the Star Fleet Academy community.”
The No Borders Festival has become an annual tradition on 3rd Rock Grid, she added, continuing the success of the previous ROBStock Festival that was brought to the grid over a decade ago by the Roll Over Beethoven’s club.
3rd Rock Grid, founded in December 2008, is one of the oldest OpenSimulator grids. Since that time, it has led the way in experimenting with the social aspects of the immersive internet, focusing on education, culture, arts, entertainment, and charity.
Source: Hypergrid Business