Latest AI articles


How AI can help you stay ahead of cybersecurity threats

Oct 19, 2017

Since the 2013 Target breach, it’s been clear that companies need to respond better to security alerts even as volumes have gone up. With this…


AI isn’t just for the good guys anymore

Feb 1, 2017

Last summer at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference, the  DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge  pitted automated systems against one another, trying to find weaknesses in the…


Hackers get around AI with flooding, poisoning and social engineering

Dec 16, 2016

Machine learning technologies can help companies spot suspicious user behaviors, malicious software, and fraudulent purchases — but even as the defensive technologies are getting better,…


AI is coming, and will take some jobs, but no need to worry

Dec 2, 2016

The capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning are accelerating, and many cybersecurity tasks currently performed by humans will be automated. There will still be…


AI makes security systems more flexible

Nov 8, 2016

Advances in machine learning are making security systems easier to train and more flexible in dealing with changing conditions, but not all use cases are…


Chinese computer beats human in IQ test

Jun 13, 2015

Scientists at China’s University of Science and Technology of China and the Microsoft Research in Beijing have built a deep learning machine that outperforms an average human on the…